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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) – Fellows and Scholars Programme Evaluation

NICE issued an invitation to tender for an evaluation of the NICE Fellows and Scholars Programme, the outcome of which was to inform future programme development. ESC Management Services was awarded the contract to undertake this evaluation.

ESC objectives were to;

  • Design and implement an evaluation methodology
  • Report on how the programme had been delivered and whether it was effective in meeting program objectives


What ESC did

  • In collaboration with the NICE Project Lead, a number of specific questions were identified that the evaluation sought to address.
  • Two main methods of enquiry were adopted. 1) Review of Existing Documentation and Data and 2) one-to-one semi structured interviews with Fellows and Scholars, Steering Group Members and employing organisations.
  • Undertook a process of data analysis including data coding and thematic analysis.
  • Produced a detailed report in line with the NICE tender specification including an analysis of effectiveness and recommendations for future development.



  • The NICE Fellows and Scholars Programme Evaluation Report was well received and the majority of recommendations were accepted and implemented to benefit future participants of the programme.